Men of War - Assault Squad: win exclusive testing on steam

Digitalmindsoft is announcing its official steam group!

All steam group members can win 1 of 5 free accounts for Men of War: Assault Squad exclusive testing.
Winners will be chosen randomly out of all members who signed up before 17th May. (Winners can also gift their prizes to friends if they are exclusive testers already)

Join us on Steam!

Additionally, Every time we have 500 new members at our official DMS group, we will randomly give away 5 accounts to our group members for the exclusive testing of Men of War: Assault Squad! That means, get all your friends into our group and every time we gained 500 new members you have a chance to win a free access to the exclusive testing program!

So don't miss out that chance to connect with us on steam and maybe you are one of the lucky winners!

Good luck!

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