April 01, 2012 - 19:10
We at Digitalmindsoft take good care of all of our employees, as we consider this to be the right thing to do, especially if you want to create outstanding products. Happy employees mean better games, a very simple strategy we follow. Since it's common knowledge that coffee is an important consumer product for every software developer, we shy no costs to offer the best experience in our office. Not to speak of... more »
March 25, 2012 - 16:37
As you know we are very busy with the new office, but we also started work on our new website. The new website will provide a much richer experience to all of our users and makes it easier to stay up to date with Digitalmindsoft and all our games. More about it soon! On top of that, we finally ordered our new furniture, which is one of the lasts steps before actually moving into the new office and here is some... more »
March 17, 2012 - 19:20
We are still in the progress of moving into our new office and we are getting closer to finalize it every day. Lot's of work is waiting for us there, especially since we are still working actively on Assault Squad. In the mean time, we are going to share our experiences with you and here is the view at our office building during a cool winter day: As we have mentioned the last time, Men of War: Assault Squad... more »
March 10, 2012 - 21:59
We've been quite silent lately due to the fact that we are still setting up our new work environment and keep expanding our company. While exciting, it's also a lot of work and very time consuming to prepare everything the way that fits us best. And here is some proof, that's the amount of packages we received last Friday alone: While I myself, spend most of my time with setting up our new office environment and... more »
February 16, 2012 - 15:13
The Singleplayer demo for the Game of the Year edition of Assault Squad is now available! It features three missions (USA, Germany, Soviet Union) and the introduction level for you to try out! Get it now! Mirror #1 - GamersHell Mirror #2 - AtomicGamer Have fun! more »

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